Monday, January 24, 2011

only music

I have many important things in my life that I could not live without.
From people I know, to places I visit, even the music I listen to all means something to me.

why music is very important?

Music has been spread in people's life for a long time. Without music, individuals lose a beautiful language, which has been used in heart-to-heart communications. During the enjoyment of music, people are likely to relax, gain a better understanding of an exotic culture and feel how the lyrics echo the deepest sensation in heart. Most people can not live without music, not to mention those who are addicted to it, like me.

i dont care what genre if the beat goes well and make my brain "berdengung" freely...
just let my soul do the dance and ingore the universe..

go with the flow..

Thursday, January 20, 2011

ring flash

                                                    i just bought a ring flash... cool beb!!! seharian di amcorp mall sedang mencari sesuatu(headphone) dan secara tibe2nye terjumpe sesuatu(ringflash).... dengan menggunakan separuh tenaga utk ke ATM bank dan balik kembali ke kedai... murah gile dok. gi la try BELI..

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


diorang ni bukan manusia boley suro pozing2 sebab diorang ni bukan manusia . macam bercakap dgn kayu, tetapi secara azalinya diorang ni steady, bukan bebal. abes nk buat mcm manooo.... capture ajooo....


sangat seronok bila datang ke suatu tempat yang penuh spotlight, warna warni plak tu.. heartbeat sangat laju kerana tak sabar nak pegang kamera dan bermain dengan spotlight2 yang terbiar di atas stage... memang SERONOK berMAIN dengan cahaya ni... god bless u.. america sucks